in english, i just felt like it =)

Have you ever tried walking over a frosen lake, in a snowstorm, when the lake is covered with at least 1 m of snow? If not. DON'T!
We walked over the lake, from the bus, at first it was fun, but hard work.
Then we came to a place were we went ice-skating ones, not our regular place.. anyhow.
We went on there, and it was slushy! I thought I was going to die, seriously!
So I ran of the lake up on a small mountain, I was so f*cking scared..
But we kept on going, and I just had one thought in my head; survive! Get of the lake! Survive!
So I didnt even realise how exausted I was until I got of the lake.
My black tights were white, and I could almost not feel my legs..
But im home, and safe now anyway..

Spotify has got some problem or something, so no music for me ..
Now I will.. relax, im deadtired.. I hope I dont fall asleep..



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